Trust is a subjective belief (also, faith) by the accuracy, truth, and honesty of actions, insights, and statements of others or themselves (self-confidence). The conviction of the possibility of actions and the ability among actions to the trust. The distrust is the opposite of confidence.

Word origin

Trust is known as a word since the 16th century  and goes back to the Gothic ages. The word "trust" belongs to the phrase to "faithful" = "strong", "solid",


Confidence is a phenomenon that occurs in unsafe situations: who can be sure of one thing, not to trust. Trust is more than just faith or hope, it required always a basis ("trust"). This experience gained can be, but also the trust of a person you can trust (trust is partially transferable). To put his whole trust in someone, can be very exciting. As an example: The confidence that gives a child the father, if it down from the top into the outstretched arms jumps. Both the father and the child. (The story is told often in a figurative sense - as a trust.)

Dimensions of trust

"Confidence is the will to show vulnerable." (Bijsma & Costa, 2003;) Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, 1995; Rousseau et al., 1998) this simple sentence includes multiple dimensions of confidence: 1. trust arises in situations in which the relying party (the donor of the trust) more lose than win-he risked a damage or an injury. 2. Trust is manifested in acts that increase the vulnerability of their own. It delivers is the trustee and attaches to the leap of faith. 3. The reason why man delivers himself, is the positive expectation that the trustee takes advantage of the situation to his favor.

Basics of the trust relationship

Depending on the duration and intensity of a relationship, trust refers to:
situation-based trust, is created on the situation-
property-based trust, is created on the perceived trustworthiness of the trustee
identification-based trust is created on commonly shared norms of trust donor and trustee

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    Here you will find great motivational and helpful posts about confidence and how to improve it!


    November 2012

